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University of Kaposvar, Rippl-Ronai Art Faculty

University of Kaposvar, Rippl-Ronai Art Faculty

Exhibition details

"RePlacement", Students of Kaposvar University, Rippl-Ronai Art Faculty. Gallery Hol, MDK, Warszawska 79A Street.<br> Opening: 16.09.2017 at 04:30 pm.<br> Exhibition available: 16.09 - 16.10.2017 all week from 10:00 to 20:00.<br> Admission free.


Artists: <br>Viktória Balogh <br>Máté Dobokay <br><br> Visual recycling/recreation based on theoretical knowledge is the concern of all the exhibited works. While Balogh processes and models the knowledge that surrounds her or that she has had access to, Dobokay bases his compositions on radical trends known from the history of painting, and transposes the ideas of old into a new medium, posing new questions. The available historical knowledge forms their principal raw material, which they make use of by adding further layers. Balogh reaches back to a few years ago, and concentrates on such left-behind vehicles of knowledge whose content concerns knowledge and its value. By contrast, Dobokay looks at the Colour Field Painting and radical painting of several decades ago, in a medium completely alien to them, in an attempt to push the boundaries of the different media and to salute artists he finds seminal. Reductive and objective in tone, the exhibition itself complements this casual relationship with very powerful visual connections. <br><br>Gabriella Uhl

Exhibition curator

Gabriella Uhl, PhD (1970), art historian, curator, she is currently the docent of Art History and Theory department Kaposvár University and Metropolitan University, Budapest. Graduated first history and literature (MA) at the Eötvös Lóránd University (Budapest), writing her PhD thesis about the Central-European baroque literature. She studied economic at the Corvinus (Economical and Technical) University (Budapest) and graduated art history (MA) at Eötvös Lóránd University (Budapest). She worked as a researcher at the Hungarian Academy of Science afterwards as a chief curator of the Ernst Museum. She spent four years in Baltic States working as a correspondent of the leading Hungarian art magazines and research fellow of the Contemporary Art Center (Tallinn, Riga). She was the curator of the Hungarian Pavilion at Venice Biennale, 2013. She is working as an art critic and free-lance curator as well. She was the curator of Month of Photography (Budapest, Hungary) in 2012 and 2014, and the member of the curatorial board of European Month of Photography. As a researcher she specialized on the marginal and gypsy art. She is the author of many publications on the contemporary Hungarian and Central-European art scene.


"RePlacement", Students of University of Kaposvar, Rippl-Ronai Art Faculty, Galeria Hol, MDK, ul. Warszawska 79A. <br> Wernisaż: 16.09.2017 o godz. 16:30.<br> Wystawa dostępna: 16.09 – 16.10.2017 cały tydzień w godzinach: 10:00 – 20:00.<br> Wstęp bezpłatny.


Artyści:<br> Viktória Balogh<br> Máté Dobokay<br><br> Wizualny recykling / ponowna kreacja jest działaniem opartym na głębokiej wiedzy teoretycznej silnie uwidocznionym we wszystkich wystawianych pracach. Viktória Balogh przetwarza i modeluje otaczającą ją wiedzę, do której ma dostęp, Máté Dobokay opiera swoje kompozycje na radykalnych tendencjach znanych z historii malarstwa i transponuje stare pomysły na współczesne medium, stawiając aktualne pytania. Dostępna wiedza historyczna stanowi dla artystek podstawowy surowiec, który wykorzystują poprzez dodawanie kolejnych warstw. Balogh sięga wstecz, koncentrując się na ukonstytuowanej wartości wiedzy sprzed kilku lat. W przeciwieństwie do tego, Dobokay analizuje malarstwo nurtuów Colour Field Painting i Radical Painting, wiodących prym przed kilkudziesięciu laty. Podczas próby przesuwania czy łączenia granic różnych mediów Dobokay oddaje hołd artystom oraz odkrywa nowe inspiracje. Eksponowane wypowiedzi artystek, uzupełnione zostają poprzez wyraźnie widoczną relację wizualną ich działań z charakterem redukcyjnej obiektywizacji obrazu. <br><br> Gabriella Uhl

Kurator wystawy

Gabriella Uhl, PhD (1970), art historian, curator, she is currently the docent of Art History and Theory department Kaposvár University and Metropolitan University, Budapest. Graduated first history and literature (MA) at the Eötvös Lóránd University (Budapest), writing her PhD thesis about the Central-European baroque literature. She studied economic at the Corvinus (Economical and Technical) University (Budapest) and graduated art history (MA) at Eötvös Lóránd University (Budapest). She worked as a researcher at the Hungarian Academy of Science afterwards as a chief curator of the Ernst Museum. She spent four years in Baltic States working as a correspondent of the leading Hungarian art magazines and research fellow of the Contemporary Art Center (Tallinn, Riga). She was the curator of the Hungarian Pavilion at Venice Biennale, 2013. She is working as an art critic and free-lance curator as well. She was the curator of Month of Photography (Budapest, Hungary) in 2012 and 2014, and the member of the curatorial board of European Month of Photography. As a researcher she specialized on the marginal and gypsy art. She is the author of many publications on the contemporary Hungarian and Central-European art scene.