Anastomosis - in other words, connection, fusion, coupling, splicing, combination, sticking together, binding, integrating, unifying, weaving, cooperation, harmony, junction, marriage. But also the sexual act, the rapprochement. Bridge, link, merging. Synthesis. The title of the exhibition is in line with the motto of this year’s Festival. Dichotomy - (Greek: dichotomos = cut into two parts) or division into two parts, mutually exclusive and complementary to the entirety. Binary oppositions - black or white, good or bad,everything or nothing and nothing in between. Two poles, two possible solutions and two extremes of thought. Love - hatred, strength - weakness, faith - atheism, body and soul, beginning and end. Dichotomy is one of the flaws in our traditional way of thinking because it prevents us from seeing the full spectrum of the notions and everything there is to see in between. The exhibition of the lecturers and students of Intermedia and Photography departments at the Gdańsk Academy of Fine Arts is an attempt to recreate the wholeness, a combination of opposites.
A.D. Agnieszka Babińska - the curator of the Anastomosis exhibition, a lecturer at the Department of Photography
Agnieszka Babińska, Elvin Flamingo, Martyna Jastrzębska, Robert Kaja, Grzegorz Klaman, Leszek Krutulski, Anna Leśniak, Vahram Mikitarian, Piotr Mosur, Janina Rudnicka, Wojciech Zamiara, Magdalena Babraj, Marta Długołęcka, Agata Giełda, Maria Janicka, Marta Jegierska, Dominika Michałowska, Aleksandra Molenda, Magdalena Nowicka, Agnieszka Piasecka, Katarzyna Serkowska, Anna Szejbut, Magdalena Kołakowska Walaszek, Mikołaj Walentynowicz, Ewa Tomaszewska, Anna Zglenicka, Karina Zawadzka, Anna Prewysz-Kwinto, Malwina Kakowska
Astoria Business&Leisure, 4 Sienkiewicza Street – exhibition open to the public until 30.10.2021, Mon-Sun, 11:30-18:00